How can i get my i-CTA Certification
To be able to qualify for the i-CTA Certification process, you do not have to attend any course or training, or take tests, assignments, or exams.
All you need to do is request validation of all your skills and experiences gained throughout your professional and school career.
The certification process is quite simple.
Just go to the “APPLICATION” page and then follow these steps:

1. Select
Select the option you want and make your payment, using one of the methods available.
2. Fill
Fill in all the data regarding your professional and school career, with as much detail as possible and truthfully.
3. Submit
Submit all the data attached, as well as your declaration of commitment.
4. Receive
Wait for i-CTA contact to gather more information, clarify any data provided or receive your certification within the stipulated period.
How much does i-CTA Certification costs?
The i-CTA certification is one of the most worthy and relevant certifications of skills and training carried out anywhere in the world.
This world top program allows, in an easy way, the recognition of the academic and professional path of those who obtain this certification.
With i-CTA Certification you have greater opportunities for:
- get better job opportunities;
- have the possibility to enjoy higher salaries;
- obtain a certification through the validation of the entire life course, including the studies carried out and, above all, the recognition of the professional activity carried out through life;
- reinforce self-esteem.

What do I receive, when obtaining i-CTA Certification?
You will be awarded with a Diploma testifying your degree and level, as well as a Certificate where all your accreditation process is described and validated, all digitally signed. You will also get an universal and unique number refering to your certification process, that anyone can access in our public database.
You can also be able to receive your Diploma and Certificate on paper, by mail.
Get your i-CTA Certification
Upgrade your career and stop loosing time.
It’s your turn to be recognized!
It is important take into account that of the evaluation made by the Academic Council, there is no opportunity for any kind of appeal, being considered valid and final all the evaluation carried out and performed in the certificates. This guarantees that the classification given to the procedure is completely reputable, valid and independent of any factor or any outide non i-CTA organisation.